I was therefore of the opinion that it was too early for a committee of inquiry. I do not, however, want to exclude the possibility of our reaching conclusions in the course of the debate which will lead our Social Democrats to say, here in Parliament, that, even if there is the merest hint of suspicion that Community law has been broken and that citizens’ freedoms and the competitiveness of our industry and economy are not being adequately protected, then we shall act most decisively.
Mais je ne tiens pas à exclure la possibilité que nous en arrivions au cours de ce débat à certaines constatations qui nous amènent, nous, sociaux-démocrates, à dire que, s’il subsiste l’ombre d’un soupçon que le droit communautaire a été violé, que les libertés civiles et l’égalité des conditions de concurrence de notre industrie et de notre économie ne sont pas suffisamment protégées, nous agirons dans ce cas en toute clarté !