There are a couple of points that I should like to make there: First, one of the other judges, Mr. Justice La Forest, also commented with respect to " family status" , and his comments were, in a number of ways, quite different from the Chief Justice's. Second, and perhaps most important, the issue that was before the court then came before the court again in Egan and Nesbitt, which is a later case.
J'aimerais souligner un ou deux points: premièrement, un autre juge, à savoir le juge La Forest, a également formulé des commentaires à ce sujet qui différaient passablement, à bien des égards, de ceux du juge en chef. Deuxièmement, et ce qui est peut-être plus important, la question sur laquelle le tribunal devait alors se prononcer est revenue plus tard dans l'affaire Egan and Nesbitt.