He signed a confidentiality agreement so he cannot speak publicly about why he was removed from his position, but all his friends in Montreal believe very strongly, and I gather this from conversations that they have had, that he was told his coverage of his Middle East in The Gazette and his commentary on the Middle East was too fair, which means it was not Israeli enough.
Comme il a signé un accord de confidentialité, il ne peut dévoiler pourquoi il a perdu son poste mais tous ses amis de Montréal ont la ferme conviction, si j'en crois des conversations que j'ai eues avec eux, qu'on lui a dit que sa couverture du Moyen-Orient dans The Gazette et ses commentaires sur le Moyen- Orient étaient trop équilibrés, ce qui veut dire qu'il n'était pas assez favorable aux Israéliens.