The installation of the federal parliament, the election of the president of parliament and of his vice-presidents, the appointment by parliament on 10 October 2004 of Abdullah Yusuf Ahmed as president of the republic, and the appointment of the Prime Minister of the federal government were important steps, but the help and support provided by the Union was too half-hearted, and the lack of prompt action to help the population has left the way open to a resurgence of radical fundamentalism, which poses more and more of a risk because it is allied to terrorism.
La mise en place du parlement fédéral, l’élection du président du parlement et de ses vice-présidents, la nomination par le parlement d’Abdullah Yusuf Ahmed au poste de président de la République le 10 octobre 2004 ainsi que la nomination du Premier ministre du gouvernement fédéral ont constitué des avancées importantes.