There is evidence before you that suggests it is questionable whether the workload justifies that and the fact that the person who would be the beneficiary of this that is, the current Chief Justice of the Court Martial Appeals Court, Mr. Justice Strayer was one of the judges who was off on foreign assignment, shall we say, for three months in Hong Kong, which suggests that at least that year the Court Martial Appeals Court was not so busy that they could not spare his absence.
Les arguments ne sont guère convaincants. La personne qui en bénéficierait c'est-à-dire, l'actuel juge en chef de la Cour d'appel de la Cour martiale, le juge Strayer , est l'un des juges qui s'est rendu à Hong Kong pendant trois mois, ce qui laisse entendre que la Cour d'appel de la Cour martiale n'était pas à ce point occupée qu'elle ne pouvait se passer de lui.