Lastly, for the first time these texts have a very significant social dimension to them, which fills me with great hope. I share the view that far greater progress has been made on integrating the European Union’s roads than on integrating its railways and I have said as much. The reason why rail is lagging behind is that so far railway employees have failed to understand that we are also trying to integrate the railway employees of the European Union, which will be to their benefit too.
Enfin, ces dossiers ont une dimension sociale très forte, et ce pour la première fois: pour moi, c’est un très grand espoir, car je suis de ceux qui pensent, et je l’ai dit, que l’Europe du rail, qui est très en retard sur l’Europe de la route, est en retard parce que les cheminots n’ont pas encore compris que c’était aussi l’Europe des cheminots qui se mettait en place.