12. The line party shall, as soon as possible and immediately after its head office has received information of the occurrence upon railway lands along or across which its line is constructed of any accident involving its line attended with personal injury to any person using the railway, or to any employee of the railway company, or which causes loss or damage to the railway company, give notice thereof by telegraph, with full particulars, to the Commission.
12. L’exploitant de la ligne devra, aussitôt que possible et dès que son bureau central aura été informé d’un accident impliquant sa ligne, survenu sur les terrains du chemin de fer le long duquel ou à travers lequel sa ligne est construite et ayant causé des blessures à un usager ou à un employé du chemin de fer ou ayant causé des pertes ou des dommages à la compagnie de chemin de fer, informer la Commission par télégramme en donnant tous les détails.