hat's the basis of everything we are trying to achieve, on balance, knowing that some in Afghanistan are going to work better than others and that they're going to stumble and that
we're going to pick them up and show them how
they could have done better—as your government tried to do, as our government has tried to do, and as the Canadian Forces, DFAIT, CIDA, and everybody else has tried to do all along? Yes, si
r, I think that's a ...[+++]fair statement.
C'est le but de tout ce que nous essayons de faire en sachant que certaines institutions fonctionneront mieux que d'autres en Afghanistan, qu'elles feront des faux pas et que nous allons leur montrer comment s'améliorer, comme votre gouvernement a essayé de le faire ainsi que notre gouvernement, les Forces canadiennes, MAECI, l'ACDI et tous les autres, depuis le début?