For these crimes where there are reasonable grounds to fear that an individual will commit some of these crimes, it is possible to bring the person before a provincial court judge and for the provincial court judge to impose on that person, first, an order for the person not to breach the peace that is, not to commit offences. Second, in order to ensure that there is no breach of the peace, the judge can impose conditions as to the people this individual before the court can associate with, or as to places, for instance, where that person can go.
Si l'on a des motifs raisonnables de craindre qu'une personne va commettre un acte de gangstérisme, on pourra faire comparaître cette personne devant un juge d'une cour provinciale, qui lui ordonnera d'abord de contracter l'engagement de ne pas troubler l'ordre public c'est-à-dire, de ne pas commettre des infractions , et ensuite, pour faire en sorte que l'ordre public soit maintenu, de respecter certaines conditions quant aux personnes ou aux endroits qu'elle pourra fréquenter.