Mr. René Laurin: As for that last point, since Russia and the United States signed a treaty in 1972 with regard to such a defence system, do you believe that the United States can violate this treaty without their allies' approval. If the Americans did violate the treaty, their allies would not retaliate by imposing sanctions, because it is difficult to imagine imposing sanctions against the United States, but would react in some other way?
M. René Laurin: À ce compte-là, puisque la Russie et les États-Unis ont signé un traité en 1972 à ce sujet, croyez-vous que les États-Unis peuvent violer ce traité sans l'assentiment de leurs alliés, non pas sans sanctions parce qu'il est difficile de penser à des sanctions contre les États-Unis, mais sans représailles des pays alliés?