Mr. Kinnear, one of the things that people do poi
nt out—and we heard some of that this morning—is that there are concerns with some of the organizations or corporations
that had gone into trusts as to the accounting, as to the auditing, as to the reporting procedures, and that there had been very drastic a
ctions taken on the income trust sector with $3
0 billion lost to C ...[+++]anadians, taken out of their retirement income, out of their savings.
Monsieur Kinnear, les gens remarquent — et nous l'avons entendu ce matin — qu'il y a lieu de s'inquiéter des méthodes comptables, de la vérification et des méthodes de rapport de certains organismes ou de certaines sociétés qui se sont convertis en fiducies et que des mesures très radicales concernant les fiducies de revenu avaient fait perdre 30 milliards de dollars aux Canadiens dans leurs revenus de retraite, leurs épargnes.