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Capital turnover
Current income tax asset
Current tax asset
Earning capacity
Income from shares and other variable-yield securities
Income frome deposits and movable assets
Income on capital
Income tax receivables
Income tax refund receivable
Income taxes currently recoverable
Income taxes receivable
Income taxes recoverable
Income taxes refundable
Income yielding asset
Income-earning assets
Income-producing assets
Income-yielding assets
Interest-bearing asset
Invested assets
Investment income
Other assets
Other assets and deferred charge
Other receivables
Prepaid expenses and accrued income
Profit-capital ratio
Return from capital
Return on capital
Return on invested capital
Unearned income
Yield of a capital
Yield on capital
Yield on investment

Traduction de «income yielding asset » (Anglais → Français) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
investments | invested assets | income-yielding assets


interest-bearing asset [ income yielding asset ]

avoir productif d'intérêt

capital turnover | earning capacity | income on capital | investment income | profit-capital ratio | return from capital | return on capital | return on invested capital | unearned income | yield of a capital | yield on capital

rendement du capital | revenus du capital | revenus financiers

investment income | yield on investment

revenu de placement | produit financier | revenu mobilier | produit de placement

income taxes recoverable [ current income tax asset | current tax asset | income tax receivables | income tax refund receivable | income taxes currently recoverable | income taxes receivable | income taxes refundable ]

impôts à recouvrer [ impôts recouvrables | actif d'impôts exigibles | impôts à récupérer | remboursement d'impôts à recevoir ]

income taxes recoverable | current income tax asset | current tax asset | income tax receivables | income tax refund receivable | income taxes currently recoverable | income taxes receivable | income taxes refundable

impôts à recouvrer | remboursement d'impôts à recevoir | impôts recouvrables | impôts à récupérer | actif d'impôts exigibles

income-earning assets [ income-producing assets ]

avoirs productifs de revenu

miscellaneous | other assets | other assets and deferred charge | other receivables | prepaid expenses and accrued income

autres valeurs immobilisées,charges payées d'avance et produits à recevoir | divers

income from shares and other variable-yield securities

revenus d'actions, de parts et autres titres à revenu variable

income frome deposits and movable assets

rendement des avoirs
As regards mergers and concentrations between banks, the Commission is proposing to calculate turnover on the basis of gross banking yield (i.e. income from securities, interest and commission received, profit from financial transactions and other operating proceeds) rather than using the present criterion (i.e. 10% of assets).

En ce qui concerne en particulier les cas de fusions/concentrations dans le secteur bancaire, la Commission propose pour le calcul du chiffre d'affaires de prendre pour base le " produit brut bancaire " - à savoir les revenus de titre, les intérêts et les commissions perçus, le bénéfice d'opérations financières et autres produits d'exploitation - plutôt que la référence actuelle, à savoir 10 % des actifs.

In this case, just to define wealth for you, it's simply an asset that yields a flow of income.

Dans ce cas-ci, simplement pour vous définir ce que l'on entend par richesse, c'est simplement un actif qui produit un revenu régulier.
