I don't have the benefit of reading the section that you're reading, Chair, but my view on the matter is that once you've ruled an amendment in order, which you did with respect to the Minister of Natural Resources, then it's in order for all time, and the fact that the names and ministries may change is entirely irrelevant. Once it's in order, they're all in order, and I don't know that you can actually back off from that position.
Je n'ai pas l'avantage d'avoir la section que vous venez de lire sous les yeux, monsieur le président, mais, à mon avis, une fois que vous avez jugé un amendement recevable, comme vous l'avez fait concernant le ministre des Ressources naturelles, il est toujours recevable, et le fait que les noms et les ministères changent n'a aucune importance.