Certainly, there may be an interest of other Member States or rather of society as a whole that certain offenders are kept in prison for a certain period, notably with regard to prevention, but it appears difficult to charge prison costs to society as a whole. Thus, the basic rule could be that it is the issuing Member State that has to bear the cost of imprisonment". On the other hand, reintegrating the sentenced person in society in the State of enforcement - which is the sentenced person's Member State of habitual residence - is also in the interests of the latter State.
Ainsi, la règle de base pourrait consister à mettre les coûts d'emprisonnement à la charge de l'État membre qui rend la décision». D'autre part, la réintégration du condamné dans la société de l'État d'exécution - qui est l'État membre de la résidence habituelle du condamné - sert aussi l'intérêt de ce dernier État.