-2- - CENTRO INTERNAZIONALE DI COOPERAZIONE ALLO SVILUPPO (CISP) (INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION) Programme of medical assistance for repatriated persons in the Gode area; - CONCERN Construction of shelters and supply of essential goods to people returning to the Gode and Kolafo areas; - UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSION FOR REFUGEES (UNHCR) Airlifting food supplies to Addis Ababa and Gode/Gambella.
- 2 - - CENTRO INTERNAZIONALE DI COOPERAZIONE ALLO SVILUPPO (CISP) Programme d'assistance médicale aux personnes rapatriées dans la zone de Gode. - CONCERN Construction d'abris et biens de première nécessité aux populations retournant dans la zone de Gode et Kolafo - HAUT COMMISSARIAT AUX REFUGIES NATIONS UNIES (UNHCR) Transport aérien de vivres à Addis Abeba et Gode/Gambella.