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Agricultural association
Agricultural labor union
Agricultural labour union
Citizen of a member state of the European Union
Citizen of an EU member state
Citizen of the Union
Coalition of Labor Union Women
EU citizen
EU national
Embodied labor
Embodied labour
European national
Farm union
Labor flux
Labor leader
Labor mobility
Labor monopoly
Labor movement
Labor organization
Labor union
Labor union monopoly
Labor-union business agent
Labour leader
Labour organization
Labour union
Materialised labour
Materialized labor
Materialized labour
Mobility of labor
Monopoly of labor unions
Organized labor
Organized labour
Past labor
Past labour
Trade union
Trade union leader
Trade union movement
Union leader
Union movement
Union officer

Traduction de «labor union » (Anglais → Français) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
labour union [ labour organization | labor organization | labor union | trade union | union ]

organisation syndicale [ syndicat de salariés | syndicat ouvrier | syndicat | union ]

labor monopoly | labor union monopoly | monopoly of labor unions

cartel syndical

organized labour | organized labor | union movement | trade union movement | labor movement

mouvement syndical

agricultural labor union [ farm union | agricultural association | agricultural labour union ]

syndicat agricole [ syndicat d'agriculteurs ]

Coalition of Labor Union Women

Coalition des femmes syndiquées

union officer | union leader | labor leader | labour leader | trade union leader

dirigeant syndical | dirigeante syndicale | responsable syndical | responsable syndicale | officier

embodied labor | embodied labour | materialised labour | materialized labor | materialized labour | past labor | past labour

équivalent-travail-incorporé | travail incorporé

labor flux | labor mobility | mobility of labor

mobilité de la main-d'oeuvre

citizen of a member state of the European Union | citizen of an EU member state | EU citizen | European national | EU national | citizen of the Union

ressortissant d'un État membre de l'Union européenne | ressortissante d'un État membre de l'Union européenne | ressortissant d'un État membre de l'UE | ressortissante d'un État membre de l'UE | ressortissant de l'UE | ressortissante de l'UE | citoyen de l'UE | citoyenne de l'UE | citoyen de l'Union | citoyenne de l'Union
Mr. Michel Bellehumeur: Madam Minister, when I gave the example of the labor union a little earlier on, your answer focused entirely on terror.

M. Michel Bellehumeur: Madame la ministre, avec l'exemple du syndicat que j'ai donné tout à l'heure, votre réponse a été toute centrée sur la terreur.

To one of my questions concerning terrorist activities and to the example I gave of a labor union, the Minister answered several times that terror had to be involved.

À une question que j'ai posée relativement aux activités terroristes et à l'exemple que j'ai donné au niveau du syndicat, la ministre m'a dit à plusieurs reprises qu'il fallait que ce soit fait dans la terreur.

To your way of thinking, if we apply literally the definition you have included in the bill, can that labor union be considered a terrorist organization?

Dans votre tête à vous, si on applique textuellement la définition que vous avez mise dans votre projet de loi, est-ce que ce syndicat est un terroriste?

Say there's a labor union seeking, as a political objective, to intimidate a government in order to get it to do something specific: say sign an agreement or address a grievance.

Il y a un syndicat dont l'objectif politique est d'intimider un gouvernement pour qu'il accomplisse un acte: signer une convention ou bien régler un grief.

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The strength and also the challenge of this setup was that it was bipartisan and represented vastly differing interests in society, such as industry, labor unions and political parties.

La force, mais aussi le défi de cette organisation tenaient à ce qu'elle était bipartisane et représentait les intérêts les plus divers de la société, comme les entreprises, les syndicats et les partis politiques.

I commended President Uribe on the progress that has been made in human rights in Colombia and dealing with the killings of labor leaders there, and obviously we've seen a downward trajectory in the deaths of labor unions and we've seen improvements when it comes to prosecution of those who are carrying out these blatant human rights offenses.

J'ai félicité le président Uribe pour les progrès réalisés en matière de respect des droits de la personne en Colombie et pour les mesures prises à l'égard des assassinats de syndicalistes dans ce pays.

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Date index: 2022-04-07