That is an important preface to what I'm about to say, which is t
hat although in the west, as we were just discussing, there is a tendency to focus on very particular aspects of the Islamic sharia, aspects
that we in the west find very difficult to accept—notably, some of the provisions relating to women, some of the provisions relating to kinds of punishments, and so on, for criminal offences, etc.—in fact sharia is a very large body of law that deals with a whole vast array of things in the areas of criminal law, family law, propert
...[+++]y law, and all these kinds of things.
Voilà un important préambule à ce que je m'apprêtais à vous dire. En Occident, on a tendance, comme on venait d'en débattre, à mettre l'accent sur des aspects très particuliers de la charia islamique, des aspects que nous trouvons très difficiles à accepter, notamment certaines des dispositions relatives aux femmes, à des types de punitions pour des infractions criminelles, etc.