[362] Unless specified otherwise, the information contained in this section is based on the following documents : Provincial Forum of Mental Health Implementation Task Forces, The Time Is Now : Themes And Recommendations For Mental Health Reform In Ontario, Final Report, December 2002; Forensic Mental Health Services Expert Advisory Panel, Assessment, Treatment and Community Reintegration of the Mentally Disordered Offender, Final Report, December 2002; Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Make it Happen – Operational Framework for the Delivery of Mental Health Services and Supports, Government of Ontario, 1999;
[362] À moins d’indication contraire, les renseignements contenus dans la présente section proviennent des documents suivants : Forum provincial des groupes de travail chargés d’étudier la mise en œuvre de la réforme des services de santé mentale, The Time Is Now : Themes And Recommendations For Mental Health Reform In Ontario, rapport final, décembre 2002; Groupe consultatif expert sur les services de psychiatrie légale, Assessment, Treatment and Community Reintegration of the Mentally Disordered Offender, rapport final, décembre 2002; ministère de la Sa
nté et des soins de longue durée, Ma ...[+++]ke it Happen – Operational Framework for the Delivery of Mental Health Services and Supports, gouvernement de l’Ontario, 1999.