The project involves : - a programme to improve the social and economic infrastructure (buildings, increased drinking water, rural tracks, telecommunications), - promotion of agricultural and livestock production (measures to combat eros
ion, cultivation of low-lying areas, propagation and dissemination of plant stock and livestock); - assistance for cooperatives; - measures to improve public health. SWAZILAND Vocational Training centre 5th EDF Matsapha-Manzani Grant 700.000 ECU Special Loan 3.200.000 ECU The aim of the present project
is to establish the country's first V ...[+++]ocational Training Centre (V.T.C) to be situated at Matsapha, adjacent to the country's main industrial complex and the University of Swaziland.Le projet prevoit : - un programme d'amelioration des infrastructures sociales et economiques (constructions, augmentation des ressources en eau potable, pistes rurales, telecommunications), - un appui a l'augmentation des productions agricoles et de l'elevage (lutte anti-erosive, mise en culture des bas-fonds, multiplication et diffusion de materiel vegetal et de cheptel), - un appui aux cooperatives, - un appui a l'amelioration de la sante publique; SWAZILAND Formatio
n professionnelle - centre 5eme FED aide non remboursable 700.000 ECU Pret special 3.200.000 ECU Le present projet a pour objectif la creation du premier centre de format
...[+++]ion professionnelle national, a Matsapha, a proximite du principal complexe industriel du pays et de l'universite de Swaziland.