Despite the 1999 Lusaka Ceasefire Agreement, which provided for a UN-supervised ceasefire, the disarmament of all the armed factions, the withdrawal of all foreign troops and the establishment of internal dialogue between the government and the opposition, both armed and civilian, the state of war has nonetheless continued and is paralysing both the economic and political situation throughout the whole region.
Malgré l'accord de Lusaka de 1999, qui prévoyait un cessez-le-feu sous la supervision de l'ONU, le désarmement de toutes les factions armées, le retrait de toutes les forces étrangères et l'ouverture d'un dialogue national entre le gouvernement et l'opposition armée et non armée, l'état de belligérance persiste et paralyse l'économie et la politique dans l'ensemble de la région.