1 While the Danes rej
ected the Treaty of Maastricht by a very short margin in 1992, their general support for "normal" EC membership increased significantly. 2 In Spring 19
93, the British had already somewhat recovered from the shock caused by 16/9/92 "Black Wednesday", when sterling left the ERM. The increase in the percentage of Greeks saying they would be very sorry if the EC were to be scrapped (+12) is one of the highest seen. Together with Denmark, Ireland and Luxembourg, Greece is one o
...[+++]f the countries where support for the EC seems to have generally held up better on most measures.
L'augmentation du pourcentage des Grecs qui disent qu'ils éprouveraient de grands regrets si la CE était abandonnée (+12) est l'une des plus fortes jamais enregistrées. Avec le Danemark, l'Irlande et le Luxembourg, la Grèce est l'un des pays où le soutien à la CE semble s'être généralement mieux maintenu et ce, pour la plupart des indicateurs utilisés.