Let me tell you at the very outset that the Committee on Legal Affairs recommends, at my suggestion and by a very large majority, that immunity should not be waived in this case, in which the honourable Member concerned is accused by the Public Prosecution Service in Athens of having used his position as an MEP to exert influence on his female companion and induce her to make defamatory statements about her former husband.
Il s’agit d’une bagatelle. Je vous le dis dès le départ : la commission juridique a décidé à une large majorité, sur ma proposition, de ne pas lever l’immunité. Le collègue dont il s’agit se voit reprocher par le procureur général d’Athènes d’avoir usé de son influence en tant que député européen pour inciter sa compagne à faire des déclarations diffamatoires sur son ancien compagnon.