Mr. Tom Saunders (Legal Counsel, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development): In the context of the treaty land entitlement negotiations under the big agreement, the one that covers the 19 bands, we were extremely concerned during the negotiations to ensure that exactly the kind of situation you were talking about did not occur, either within rural municipalities in Manitoba, or within urban areas, for example Winnipeg or Thompson, Brandon, that kind of thing.
M. Tom Saunders (conseiller juridique, ministère des Affaires indiennes et du Nord): Dans le cadre des négociations portant sur les droits fonciers issus de traités en vertu de l'accord cadre, celui qui touche 19 bandes, nous voulions absolument éviter que ce genre de situation ne se produise dans les municipalités rurales du Manitoba ou dans les centres urbains comme Winnipeg, Thompson ou Brandon.