The reason I say this is that when the Ontario government did away with the PST and adopted the GST, an army of auditors went out and targeted certain areas, the result being that many businesses were hit with.And they can argue these and can take them to court, but it's very costly, and so they generally.I was one of those. In the car business, for instance, we were just handed a bill: “Here's what you owe”.
Je dis cela parce que, lorsque le gouvernement de l'Ontario a remplacé sa TVP par la TPS, une armée de vérificateurs ont ciblé certains secteurs, à telle enseigne qu'un grand nombre d'entreprises ont été frappées par.Bien sûr, elles peuvent contester devant les tribunaux, mais ça coûte très cher, si bien que, en général.