Mr. Robert McMaster: We propose that within the structural changes we hope this committee recommends to Parliament be made within Health Canada there would be a supervisory body that would have the specific responsibility of seeing to it that expertise was brought to bear on all of the specific products, and also generally on categories of things, such as deciding which materia medica or pharmacopoeia was the appropriate one and how that would fit into the structure of Health Canada.
M. Robert McMaster: Nous espérons qu'au nombre des changements que vous allez proposer de faire au sein de Santé Canada, il y aura la création d'un organisme de surveillance. Ce groupe veillerait à ce que des gens compétents soient chargés de juger tous les produits; il déciderait aussi de la documentation pertinente et de la place de l'organisme de réglementation au sein de Santé Canada.