The West, the so-called international community, and Europe, have been completely shattered. So, incidentally, has the East, the region that poor Samuel Huntington so foolishly referred to as ‘the Moslem world’, but which includes both nations which are in favour of the war, such as Kuwait, and nations which are against it, such as many Arab countries, and even countries which have abstained from deciding one way or the other, such as Pakistan.
L'Occident, ladite communauté internationale, l'Europe sont parfaitement éclatés, comme d'ailleurs l'est, dans cette crise, ce que le malheureux Huntington a appelé si sottement "le monde musulman" qui comprend aussi bien des nations favorables à la guerre, comme le Koweït, que des nations opposées, comme beaucoup de pays arabes, et même des abstentionnistes, comme le Pakistan.