* * * - University staff - B Ms L. Van den Bossche-Bracke, Liaison Officer for European Exchange Projects Rijksuniversiteit Gent - D Prof. J. Meiser, President Universitaet des Saarlandes
, Saarbruecken - DK Ms Robin Jensen, Head of Section, International Relations Office Køobenhavns Universitet - E Prof. J.L. Juan-Aracil, Deputy Head of the Department of Civil Engineering Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Caminos Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - 5 - - F Dr. J.C. Buchot, Responsable des Relations Internationales Université-Stendhal (Grenoble III) - G Prof. G.S. Proimos, Professor of Biomedical Engineering Panepistimio Patron -
...[+++]I Prof. V. Grementieri, Delegato Programma Erasmus Università degli Studi di Siena - IRL Prof. D. Dineen, Head of Department of Business Studies University of Limerick - Lux Prof. P. Seck Président Centre universitaire de Luxembourg - NL Dr. P. Floor, Director of Education, Research Activities and Student Affairs Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden - P Prof. J. Velga, Vice-Rector Universidade de Coimbra - UK Ms J. Thomson Erasmus Liaison Officer University of Strathclyde, Glasgow - Posthumous awards - UK Prof. G. Kloss, Director, Centre for European Studies University of Manchester/UMIST - D Prof. E. Wertz, Professor of Community and Rural Planning Universitaet Stuttgart * * * - 6 - - Students - B Anne-Catherine Galetic Université de l'Etat de Liège - DK Helle A. Pedersen Aarhus Universitet - D Wolfgang Zenk Universitaet Bamberg - E Manuel Salto Tellez Universidad de Oviedo - F Bernard Eucher-Lahon Université de Clermont-Ferrand-I.U.T.* * * - Personnel universitaire - B Ms L. Van den Bossche-Bracke, Liaison Officer for European Exchange Projects Rijksuniversiteit Gent - D Prof. J. Meiser, President Universitaet des Saarlandes, Sa
arbruecken - DK Ms. Robin Jensen, Head of Section, International Relations Office Køobenhavns Universitet - E Prof. J.L. Juan-Aracil, Deputy Head of the Department of Civil Engineering Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Caminos Universidad Politécnica de Madrid ./. - 5 - - F Dr. J.C. Buchot, Responsable des Relations internationales Université -Stendhal (Grenoble III) - G Prof. B.S. Proimos, Professor of Biomedical Engineering Panepisti
...[+++]mio Patron - I Prof. V. Grementieri, Delegato Programma Erasmus Università degli Studi di Siena - IRL Prof. D. Dineen, Head of Department of Business Studies University of Limerick - Lux Prof. P. Seck, Président Centre universitaire de Luxembourg - NL Dr. P. Floor, Director of Education, Research Activities and Student Affairs Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden - P Prof. J. Veiga, Vice-Rector Universidade de Coimbra - UK Ms. J. Thomson, ERASMUS Liaison Officer University of Strathclyde, Glasgow - Mentions à titre posthume -UK Prof. G. Kloss, Director, Centre for European Studies University of Manchester/ UMIST -D Prof. E. Wertz, Professor of Community and Rural Planning Universitaet Stuttgart * * * ./. - 6 - - Etudiants -B Anne- Catherine Galetic Université de l'Etat de Liège -DK Helle A. Pedersen Aarhus Universitet -D Wolfgang Zenk Universitaet Bamberg -E Manuel Salto Tellez Universidad de Oviedo -F Bernard Eucher-Lahon Université de Clermont-Ferrand-I.U.T.