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Association of American Indian Social Workers
Children's Tumor Foundation
Interim NREN
National Indian Foundation
National Indian Social Workers Association
National Kidney Disease Foundation
National Kidney Foundation
National NF Foundation
National Nephrosis Foundation
National Science Foundation
National Science Foundation Network
Organ of the Swiss National Science Foundation
Swiss National Science Foundation

Traduction de «national indian foundation » (Anglais → Français) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
National Indian Foundation | FUNAI [Abbr.]

Fondation nationale de l'Indien | FUNAI [Abbr.]

National Kidney Foundation [ NKF | National Kidney Disease Foundation | National Nephrosis Foundation ]

National Kidney Foundation [ NKF | National Kidney Disease Foundation | National Nephrosis Foundation ]

National Indian Social Workers Association [ NISWA | Association of American Indian and Alaskan Native Social Workers | Association of American Indian Social Workers ]

National Indian Social Workers Association [ NISWA | Association of American Indian and Alaskan Native Social Workers | Association of American Indian Social Workers ]

Children's Tumor Foundation [ CTF | National NF Foundation ]

Children's Tumor Foundation [ CTF | National NF Foundation ]

National Science Foundation | NSF [Abbr.]

Fondation nationale pour la science | NSF [Abbr.]

Swiss National Science Foundation | SNSF [Abbr.]

Fonds national suisse de la recherche scientifique | FN [Abbr.] | FNS [Abbr.]

organ of the Swiss National Science Foundation

organe du Fonds national suisse

Swiss National Science Foundation [ SNSF ]

Fonds national suisse de la recherche scientifique [ FNS ]

National Science Foundation Network | NSFNET | NSFnet | NSFNet | interim NREN

réseau NSFNET | réseau NSFnet | NSFnet
Some of the institutions in our region are the Saskatchewan Indian Cultural Centre, our Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies, our Saskatchewan Indian Federated College, our Saskatchewan Indian Training Assessment Group, our Saskatchewan Indian Equity Foundation, our Saskatchewan Indian Loan Company, the National Indian Financial Corporation, and our First Nations Bank of Canada.

Ou nombre des établissements se trouvant dans notre région, mentionnons le Saskatchewan Indian Cultural Centre, le Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies, le Saskatchewan Indian Federated College, le Saskatchewan Indian Training Assessment Group, la Saskatchewan Indian Equity Foundation, la Saskatchewan Indian Loan Company, la National Indian Financial Corporation et la Banque des Premières nations du Canada.

I was scribbling while others were talking and I counted six independent federal departments with whom we deal on a weekly basis for various programs, policy and projects: Canadian Heritage, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, FNIHB at Health Canada — that is First Nations and Inuit Health Branch — Status of Women Canada, Social Development Canada, Indian Residential School Resolution Canada, IRSRC, and Canadian Tobacco Control Research Initiative, CTCRI. As well, we deal with two private-sector ...[+++]

Pendant que d'autres intervenaient, j'ai compté que nous transigeons avec six ministères ou services fédéraux différents toutes les semaines pour divers programmes, politiques et projets : Patrimoine canadien, Affaires indiennes et du Nord Canada, la Direction générale de la santé des Premières nations et des Inuits à Santé Canada, Condition féminine Canada, Développement social Canada, l'organisme Résolution des questions des pensionnats indiens du Canada et l'Initiative canadienne de recherche pour la lutte contre le tabagisme. Nous traitons également ...[+++]

The continued support and development of First Nations institutions in the field of economic development is crucial, such as Saskatchewan Indian Equity Foundation, First Nations Bank, Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technology, First Nations University of Canada, First Nations Ag Council of Saskatchewan.

En matière de développement économique, il est essentiel de pouvoir compter sur le soutien continu et l'expansion d'institutions des Premières nations, comme la Saskatchewan Indian Equity Foundation, la First Nations Bank, le Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technology, la First Nations University of Canada et le First Nations Ag Council of Saskatchewan.

The government has provided the following health support services to former students participating in all phases of the settlement agreement: an endowment of $125 million to the Aboriginal Healing Foundation for community-based healing services; health and emotional support services to former students and their family members through Health Canada's resolution health support program; and additional initiatives designed to support survivors, including the national Indian residential school crisis line, at a cost ...[+++]

Le gouvernement a assuré les services de santé suivants aux anciens élèves qui participent à toutes les étapes de la convention: une affectation de 125 millions de dollars à la Fondation autochtone de guérison en vue de services de guérison communautaires; des services de santé mentale et de soutien affectif aux anciens élèves et aux membres de leur famille par l'intermédiaire du Programme de soutien en santé de Santé Canada; et des projets supplémentaires destinés à aider les survivants, y compris la ligne d'écoute téléphonique nationale relative aux pensio ...[+++]

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Reference would also need to be made to the valuable work undertaken by the National Indian and Inuit Community Health Representatives Organization, the National Native Addictions Partnership Foundation, and, of course, the Aboriginal Healing Foundation — represented here today — particularly their work related to training, capacity building and best practices.

Il conviendrait également d'évoquer le travail très précieux accompli par l'Organisation nationale des représentants indiens et inuits en santé communautaire, la Fondation autochtone nationale de partenariat pour la lutte contre les dépendances et, bien entendu, la Fondation autochtone de guérison — dont les représentants sont parmi nous aujourd'hui — notamment en ce qui concerne leurs efforts dans le domaine de la formation, du renforcement des capacités, et des pratiques exemplaires.

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Date index: 2021-04-23