But the main thing is that, in 1968, it was recognized in a mature way, in a generous society which is no doubt even more so today, that two consenting adults, or as paragraph 149(a) of the Criminal Code put it, two persons who are both over the age of 21 can engage freely in sexual activity- provided, naturally, that they have reached the legal age, which was 21 in those days-and that they consensually agree to be in a relationship.
Mais pour l'essentiel, on a reconnu, en 1968, avec maturité, dans une société généreuse et qui l'est davantage, j'en suis convaincu, que deux adultes consentants, et c'est cela l'article 149a) du Code criminel, et je le cite: «Deux personnes, dont chacune est âgée de 21 ans ou plus, peuvent avoir une sexualité librement consentie ».