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Alexandra Neighbourhood House
Assist community
Association of Neighbourhood Houses BC
Association of Neighbourhood Houses of British Columbia
Facilitate communities
Facilitate neighbourhoods
Follow house style of newspaper
Follow newspaper house style
Gordon Neighbourhood House
Housing coordinator
Housing improvements
Housing manager
Housing modernisation
Housing modernization
Housing officer
Housing renovation
Improvement of housing
Improvement of the housing environment
Improvement of the residential environment
Improvement of the residential milieu
Modernisation of housing
Modernisation of the housing environment
Modernisation of the residential environment
Modernisation of the residential milieu
Modernization of housing
Modernization of the housing environment
Modernization of the residential environment
Modernization of the residential milieu
Neighborhood house
Neighbourhood centre
Neighbourhood house
Neighbourhood instrument
Neighbourhood manager
Neighbourhood shopping centre
New Neighbourhood Instrument
Produce newspaper according to house style
Publish newspaper using house style
Renovation of housing
Support neighbourhoods

Vertaling van "neighbourhood house " (Engels → Frans) :

neighbourhood house [ neighborhood house ]

foyer de voisinage

Association of Neighbourhood Houses of British Columbia [ ANHBC | Association of Neighbourhood Houses BC | Association of Neighbourhood Houses of Greater Vancouver | Alexandra Neighbourhood House ]

Association of Neighbourhood Houses of British Columbia [ ANHBC | Association of Neighbourhood Houses BC | Association of Neighbourhood Houses of Greater Vancouver | Alexandra Neighbourhood House ]

housing officer | neighbourhood manager | housing coordinator | housing manager

administrateur de biens immobiliers | administratrice de biens immobiliers | directeur d'agence de gestion d'immeubles HLM | syndic d'immeuble

improvement of housing [ housing improvements | housing modernisation | housing modernization | housing renovation | improvement of the housing environment | improvement of the residential environment | improvement of the residential milieu | modernisation of housing | modernisation of the housing environment | modernisation of the residential environment | modernisation of the residential milieu | modernization of housing | modernization of the housing environment | modernization of the residential environment | modernization of the residential milieu | renovation of housing ]

amélioration du logement [ amélioration de l'habitat | modernisation de l'habitat | modernisation de logement | rénovation d'habitation | rénovation de l'habitat ]

neighbourhood centre | neighbourhood shopping centre

centre de proximité | relais de proximité

neighbourhood instrument | New Neighbourhood Instrument | NNI

nouvel instrument de voisinage

facilitate communities | support neighbourhoods | assist community | facilitate neighbourhoods

aider une communauté

follow house style of newspaper | produce newspaper according to house style | follow newspaper house style | publish newspaper using house style

respecter la charte rédactionnelle d'un journal
Examples in the field of housing Belgium - In January 2013, 38 mediators/bridge figures (i.e. intercultural mediators), neighbourhood stewards, project leaders, and consultants worked in the Region of Brussels Capital and the Flanders Region (employed by the Public Centres for Social Welfare, Department of Education, Employment Agency, Police, Integration Services or local NGOs) to gain the support of both Roma and non Roma for housing interventions.

Exemples dans le domaine du logement Belgique - En janvier 2013, 38 médiateurs/personnes habilitées à faire le pont entre les communautés (médiateurs interculturels), «stewards de quartier», chefs de projets et consultants ont travaillé dans la région Bruxelles-Capitale et dans la région flamande (embauchés par les centres publics d’aide sociale, le ministère de l’éducation, l’agence pour l’emploi, la police, les services d’intégration ou des ONG locales) en vue de s’assurer le soutien des Roms et non-Roms pour des interventions en matière de logement.

Promoting the use of common spaces and activities in which immigrants interact with the host society Improving the living environment in terms of housing, healthcare, care facilities for children, neighbourhood safety and opportunities for education, voluntary work and job training, the condition of public spaces, the existence of stimulating havens for children and youth | Strengthening the integration dimension in Social Inclusion and Social Protection Policies Encouraging the exchange of information and good practice with regional, ...[+++]

Promouvoir l'utilisation d'espaces communs et les activités où les immigrants interagissent avec la société d'accueil Améliorer les conditions de vie en termes de logement, de santé, de structures d'accueil des enfants, de sécurité des quartiers et d'accès à l'éducation, le bénévolat et la formation professionnelle, l'état des espaces publics, l'existence de havres de paix stimulateurs pour les enfants et les jeunes | Renforcer le volet «intégration» des politiques d'intégration et de protection sociales Encourager l'échange d'informations et de bonnes pratiques avec les autorités régionales, locales et urbaines par le biais de réseaux a ...[+++]

In Germany, housing projects also include measures that promote the integration of Roma families in neighbourhoods.

En Allemagne, les projets de logement ont également inclus des mesures promouvant l’intégration des familles roms dans les quartiers.

At the Kiwassa Neighbourhood House the breakfast program for families is a welcoming start to the day.

À Kiwassa Neighbourhood House, les familles peuvent déjeuner pour commencer la journée du bon pied.

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The City of Vancouver has neighbourhood houses, very much along the same lines.

La ville de Vancouver a ce qu'on appelle des neighbourhood houses, des maisons de quartier, qui ressemblent beaucoup aux centres multiservices.

Ms. Sophia Leung (Vancouver Kingsway, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, I participated in the opening of the South Vancouver Neighbourhood House.

Mme Sophia Leung (Vancouver Kingsway, Lib.): Monsieur le Président, j'ai assisté à l'ouverture du centre communautaire de Vancouver-Sud.

The newly renovated South Vancouver Neighbourhood House was a joint effort of the community, business and government sectors under the Canada-British Columbia infrastructure program.

Le centre nouvellement rénové est le résultat des efforts conjoints de la collectivité, des entreprises et des gouvernements dans le cadre du programme d'infrastructure Canada — Colombie-Britannique.

The Commission supports different research projects related to the revitalisation of city centres and neighbourhoods, the rehabilitation and re-use of contaminated and brownfield sites, sustainable retrofitting of urban areas such as large housing estates and on ways to reduce urban sprawl, especially through the integration of land use and transport planning (see Annex 3).

La Commission soutient différents projets de recherche liée à la redynamisation des centres-villes et des quartiers, à la réhabilitation et la réutilisation de sites pollués et de friches industrielles, à la rénovation durable de zones urbaines tels que les grands ensembles, ainsi qu'à des moyens de réduire le mitage, en particulier par le biais de la planification intégrée de l'occupation des sols et des transports (voir annexe 3).

In addition, the functional patterns of buildings were changed to provide a mixed use pattern and create sustainable neighbourhoods rather than the original uniform housing blocks that provided almost no services to residents.

En outre, les schémas fonctionnels des bâtiments ont été modifiés de façon à offrir une combinaison de fonctions et à créer des quartiers durables plutôt que de grands ensembles d'habitation uniformes n'offrant pratiquement aucun service.

Recently I had the pleasure of presenting a cheque for program funding to Little Mountain Neighbourhood House. Funding from the federal government and the Minister of Health is for a project called Breaking Down the Barriers.

J'ai eu récemment le plaisir de remettre à la Little Mountain Neighbourhood House un chèque de la part du gouvernement fédéral et du ministre de la Santé pour un projet appelé «Breaking down the Barriers».
