As regards the references made by both Mr Wynn and Mr Bourlanges concerning the agreement between official bodies and other financial means other than those newly allocated, I can state the view of the Council to be that it is possible to limit the reservation for Kosovo by means of a completely new allocation or by a transfer of allocations, but the Council is honouring the agreement between official bodies and all of its points.
En ce qui concerne la référence de M. Wynn et de M. Bourlanges à l'accord interinstitutionnel et aux autres moyens de financement, je constate que l'avis du Conseil est qu'il est possible de financer entièrement la provision "Kosovo" par un réajustement, c'est-à-dire par un transfert de crédits, mais le Conseil respecte l'accord interinstitutionnel et tous les points de celui-ci.