When we talk about the western stock of Atlantic horse mackerel, it is important to distinguish between Zone VIII C, the area around the Bay of Biscay, which is essentially geared to artisanal fisheries and which forms the livelihood for a significant part of the Portuguese, Spanish and French populations, in particular, and the zone further north, which is focused on industrial fisheries, and is thus essentially geared towards economic profitability.
Lorsque nous parlons du stock occidental de chinchard commun, il est important de faire la distinction entre la zone VIIIc, c’est-à-dire la zone autour du golfe de Gascogne qui est essentiellement axée sur la pêche artisanale et qui constitue le gagne-pain d’une part importante des populations portugaise, espagnole et française, en particulier, et la zone plus au nord, qui est axée sur la pêche industrielle et recherche donc essentiellement la rentabilité économique.