Mr. Speaker, it is not just that the Liberals accuse other people of things for which they have already been found guilty themselves; it is not just that they had the biggest criminal conspiracy in Canadian history, the sponsorship scandal; it is not just that today a former minister of theirs was charged with using public funds to pay for his son's wedding, but that they are prepared to stand and throw rocks and are not even embarrassed about it.
Monsieur le Président, non satisfaits d'accuser des personnes de méfaits dont ils ont déjà eux-mêmes été reconnus coupables, d'être à l'origine de la plus grande conspiration criminelle de l'histoire du Canada, le scandale des commandites, d'avoir un ancien ministre qui a été accusé aujourd'hui d'avoir utilisé des fonds publics pour payer le mariage de son fils, les libéraux se permettent de lancer des pierres sans vergogne.