We are prepared to give unanim
ous consent, as the opposition House leader said, that the debate not go any later than at 8 p.m., with no calling of quorum or presenting of delaying motions, and that the question be deemed to have been put and the recorde
d division deferred until tomorrow, at 6.30 p.m. [English] Mr. Johnston: Mr. Speaker, if I could have the assurance there would be no votes or quorum calls I would have no objection to the debate being extended until 8 p.m. The Acting Speaker (Mr. Kilger): The member for Laurier-Sainte
...[+++]-Marie gave his assurance there would be no quorum calls, no dilatory motions and that the vote would be deferred until tomorrow at 6.30 p.m (1745 ) Just to wrap this business up, the debate on the official opposition motion today is being extended no later than 8 p.m. with no quorum calls or dilatory motions.
Nous sommes prêts à donner le consentement unanime comme le leader en Chambre de l'opposition officielle l'a dit, que le débat ne continue pas plus tard que 20 heures, qu'il n'y ait pas d'appel de quorum ni de motion dilatoire, que la motion ait été réputée mise aux voix et que le vote soit différé jusqu'à demain à 18 h 30. [Traduction] M. Johnston: Monsieur le Président, si je pouvais avoir l'assurance qu'il n'y aura pas de vote ni de demande de quorum, je ne verrais pas d'objection à ce que le débat se prolonge jusqu'à 20 heures.