Their economy, geared towards the iron and steel industry, has not been able to prevent the decline in these two central activities, with the result that: - these industrial changes are at the root of a strong drop in production and employment; - the closure or demolition of an alarming number of production facilities has resulted in an ever-increasing number of industrial wastelands; - With heavy j
ob losses extending over more than fifteen years now, the iron and steel industry is no l
onger an attractive option for young ...[+++] people.
Leur economie, axee sur la siderurgie et l'acier, n'a pu eviter le declin de ses deux poles d'activite. En effet: - Ces mutations industrielles sont a l'origine d'une forte reduction tant de la production que de l'emploi. - La desaffectation, voire la destruction d'un nombre impressionnant d'outils de production a fait apparaitre des friches industrielles de plus en plus nombreuses.