On the basis of the number of dollars that have been sent
to the province of Quebec from the so-called have provinces, Alberta, British Columb
ia and Ontario, one would think there would already have been a recognition of the tremendous amount of support there has been on the part of all Canadian taxpayers to
the idea of the old line parties of attempting to buy the loyalty of the people, an
...[+++]d I think of them as being in the minority in the province of Quebec, who would see Quebec secede from Canada.
Compte tenu de l'importance des sommes que les prétendues provinces riches, comme l'Alberta, la Colombie-Britannique et l'Ontario, ont envoyées au Québec, on serait porté à croire que les bloquistes reconnaîtraient l'appui formidable que tous les contribuables canadiens ont apporté à la politique des partis traditionnels, qui consiste à acheter la loyauté des gens. Je crois cependant que ceux qui appuient cette politique, et qui voudraient que le Québec se sépare, sont la minorité au Québec.