(19) To ensure adequate and effective remedies, including those available before the Court of Justice of the European Communities under the relevant provisions of the Treaty, it is appropriate that the Community institution or body which issued the act to be challenged or which, in the case of an alleged administrative omission, omitted to act, be given the opportunity to reconsider its former decision, or, in the case of an omission, to act.
(19) Pour garantir des voies de recours adéquates et efficaces, y compris celles ouvertes devant la Cour de justice des Communautés européennes en vertu des dispositions pertinentes du traité, il convient que l'institution ou l'organe communautaire à l'origine de l'acte à contester ou, en cas d'allégation d'omission administrative, de l'omission, ait la possibilité de réexaminer sa décision, ou, dans le cas d'une omission, d'agir.