Quite the opposite, if there is any criticism we might make of
the report amongst ourselves, it is that it does not go far enough as regards the freedom of women to choose to have children. In other words it does not say anything about assisted fertilisation, an issue which is currently the subject of much debate in my country, for example, and, if anyth
ing, that it is not ambitious enough in that it does
not mention options such as RU-486. There yo ...[+++]u are, if anything, these are the points on which the report is too cautious, but I will vote for it in any case.
S’il y a, toutefois, une remarque que nous pouvons nous faire, c’est que ce rapport ne va pas assez loin en ce qui concerne la liberté du choix de la maternité des femmes, qu’il ne parle pas de la fécondation assistée, problème dont, par exemple, on parle beaucoup dans mon pays en ce moment, et qu’il n’est pas assez ambitieux lorsqu’il aborde, par exemple, la question du RU 486.