(ii) the composition of the body and qualifications for membership on the body, including matters respecting the independence of members, and the process for selecting the members, (iii) the standard of care that applies to members of the body when exercising their powers, performing their duties and carrying out their responsibilities, (iv) the disclosure of information to security holders of the investment fund, to the investment fund manager and to the Commission, and (v) matters affecting the investment fund that require review by the body or the approval of the body;
(i) le mandat et le fonctionnement de l'organisme, (ii) la composition de l'organisme et les qualités requises pour en être membre, y compris les questions relatives à l'indépendance de ses membres, et le processus de sélection de ceux-ci, (iii) les normes de diligence qui s'appliquent aux membres de l'organisme dans l'exercice de leurs pouvoirs, fonctions et responsabilités,