In Halifax, I was told of the disproportionate number of women facing poverty; women who go hungry to feed their children; the disappearance of good, well paying jobs in the manufacturing sector in the Niagara-Hamilton corridor of Ontario; the overwhelming aboriginal face of truly destitute poverty in Thunder Bay; the huge increases in health issues for people living in the poorer neighbourhoods of Saskatoon; whole families living in motel rooms through the winter in the Penticton area of B.C., then disappearing, with children gone from school when the tourists arrive in the spring.
On m'a dit qu'à Halifax, il y a un nombre disproportionné de femmes pauvres, des femmes qui se passent de manger pour pouvoir nourrir leurs enfants. Dans le corridor Niagara-Hamilton en Ontario, on voit disparaître de bons emplois payants dans le secteur de la fabrication.