3. Notwithstanding paragraphs 1 and 2, the parties may choose as the law governing their agreement as to succession, with regard to its admissibility, its substantive validity and its binding effects between the parties, including the conditions for its dissolution, the law which the person or one of the persons whose estate is involved could have chosen in accordance with Article 17 on the conditions set out therein.
3. Nonobstant les paragraphes 1 et 2, les parties peuvent choisir comme loi régissant leur pacte successoral, quant à sa recevabilité, à sa validité au fond et à ses effets contraignants entre les parties, y compris en ce qui concerne les conditions de sa dissolution, la loi que la personne ou l'une des personnes dont la succession est concernée aurait pu choisir en vertu de l'article 17, selon les conditions qui y sont fixées.