Canada was very much a builder of bridges among different countries that perhaps had different views and yes, some very hard concerns about certain aspects of the draft action plan (1005 ) Canada did not try to seek the limelight and speak in the public arena every day but there was a lot of behind the scenes work in trying to foster those rapports, in trying to keep channels open and also being respectful of the different opinions, whether they be political, whether they be cultural or whether they be religious.
Le Canada a établi des ponts entre différents pays qui défendaient des opinions divergentes et qui, bien sûr, avaient de sérieuses réticences concernant certains aspects de la première version du plan d'action (1005) Le Canada n'a cherché ni à se faire remarquer ni à occuper la scène chaque jour, mais il a beaucoup travaillé en coulisses pour tenter d'établir des rapports et maintenir ouvertes des voies de communication tout en respectant les opinions de chacun, que ce soit sur le plan politique, culturel ou religieux.