The revised resolution is as follows: It was agreed, That the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade urge the Parliament of Canada to recognize the Committee representing the People's Parliament as the representatives of the people of Burma; and further urge the Government of Canada to consider the imposition of investment sanctions on the regime in Burma. Deepak Obhrai moved, That pursuant to Standing Order 108, the committee undertake an examination of management decisions, operations and criteria used to evaluate medium and long-term financing decisions, other than short-term insurance, of the Export Development Corporation, and that the Minister of I
nternational Trade, Pierre ...[+++] Pettigrew, EDC Chairman Patrick Lavelle and EDC President Ian Gillespie be called to appear.Deepak Obhrai propose, Que, conformément à l'article 108 du Règlement, le Comité entreprenne l'examen des décisions, opérations et critères de gestion utilisés pour évaluer les décisions de financement à moyen et à long terme de la Société pour l'expansion des exportations (SEE), à l'exception de l'assurance à court terme, et que le ministre du Comm
erce international, Pierre Pettigrew, le président du conseil d'admini
stration de la SEE, Patrick Lavelle, et le président de
...[+++]la Société, Ian Gillespie, soient invités à comparaître.