Generally speaking, the ECSC in its choice of measures and through the relative weight it attaches to each one, takes into account the changing structure of the workforce, new directions in support systems, the diversity of national situations and the priority given to positive actions, while retaining a certain parallelism with the steel industry social support programme.2OJ 2OJ C 146, 26.5.1993 The amounts granted for the different measures under the coal industry social support programme are generally equivalent to a doubling of ECSC assistance under the rubric of traditional aid.
D'une manière générale, la CECA, par le choix des mesures et par l'importance relative accordée à chacune d'elles, tient compte de l'évolution de la structure des effectifs, des orientations nouvelles des systèmes d'accompagnement, de la diversité des situations nationales et de la priorité donnée aux actions positives, en respectant un certain parallélisme avec le Volet Social Acier2.