What is also telling — and I would like to summarize that again — is that while the government is concerned about that kind of potential, lack of vouching, which really has very little potential for widespread fraud, on the other hand, it pays not one whit of attention to the fact that their database, which I've been told has as many as 2 million people in it — which we would think must have been hacked; otherwise, the Conservative Party was consciously involved in that — that they would want to look into how it is that it was hacked and they would want to do something about that.
Ce qui en dit long également — et je reviens là-dessus —, c'est que le gouvernement se préoccupe du recours à un répondant, qui présente un risque de fraude généralisée très faible, alors qu'il ne prête pas la moindre attention au fait que sa base de données — qui, d'après ce que l'on m'a dit, renferme les renseignements de pas moins de deux millions de personnes — a dû être piratée, à moins que le Parti conservateur ait participé sciemment à l'opération.