uninterruptible power system [ UPS | no break power supply | no-break power | uninterruptible power | uninterruptible power supply | no-break power supply | uninterrupted power supply | uninterruptible feeding ]
powersupply | power supply unit | PSU | power supply module | power supply source | power pack | supply source | supply unit | power unit | power source
uninterruptible powersupply | UPS | uninterruptable power supply | uninterruptible power source | uninterruptable power source | uninterruptible power system | uninterruptable power system | uninterruptible power plant | uninterruptable power plant | UPS system
système d'alimentation sans coupure | alimentation sans coupure | ASC | alimentation sans interruption | ASI | alimentation de secours | alimentation permanente | alimentation non interruptible | alimentation ininterruptible
bring power to stage, lights, sound, and video | provide power for light, stage, sound, video and recording purposes | provide power distribution | supply with power outlets
la source d’alimentation est reliée au secteur par un câble unique sans circuits intermédiaires entre la source d’alimentation et le secteur; ainsi que
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