(DE) Madam President-in-Office, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, allow me to start by thanking the President-in-Office, who negotiated with us, with Parliament, in a shrewd and tenacious manner, often without the support of her colleagues, by thanking the Comm
issioner, who never once lost sight of global European interests, both on and off stage, and by thanking all my colleagues who backed me at the most crucial moments, even where they were of a different opinion, and who were supportive and joined forces in order to defend Par
...[+++]liament's position. My sincere thanks to one and all.
- (DE) Madame la Présidente du Conseil, Madame la Commissaire, chers collègues, permettez-moi d'exprimer tout d'abord mes remerciements. Merci à la présidente du Conseil, qui a négocié longuement et intelligemment avec nous, le Parlement européen, et souvent sans le soutien de ses collègues. Merci à la commissaire, qui n'a jamais perdu de vue l'intérêt commun de l'Europe, que ce soit sur le devant de la scène ou en coulisse.