The answer is that one of the two governments, the Government of Quebec, and the governments of all other provinces for that matter, has jurisdiction over education, and that education has a direct impact on manpower, because it includes not only primary, high school and college level education, but also the training of people who are coming back or want to come back on the labour market and want to get better training.
La réponse est qu'il y a un des deux gouvernements, celui du Québec, comme celui de toutes les provinces, qui a la juridiction en matière d'éducation, et l'éducation a un impact direct sur la main-d'oeuvre, parce que c'est l'éducation des gens qui arrivent au primaire, secondaire, collégial, mais c'est aussi toute la formation des gens qui retournent ou veulent retourner sur le marché du travail, qui ont à accroître leur formation.