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Accreditation of learning outcomes
Apply prespotting
Applying prespotting
Applying stain remover before dry cleaning
Assessment of learning outcomes
Carry out necessary procedures prior to take off
Certification of learning outcomes
Clause of double jeopardy
Concept of double jeopardy
Conduct pre-flight activities
Double jeopardy
Double jeopardy clause
Double jeopardy concept
Execute necessary procedures prior to take off
Former jeopardy
Negotiated procedure with prior call for competition
Negotiated procedure with prior publication
Negotiated procedure without prior publication
Prior jeopardy
Priore effect
Priore radiation
Prioré radiation
Recognition of learning outcomes
Recognition of prior learning
Secure goods according to work orders
Transferability of learning outcomes
Undertake required actions before departure
Validation of non-formal and informal learning
Validation of of learning outcomes
Validation of prior learning

Traduction de «prior jeopardy » (Anglais → Français) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
prior jeopardy [ former jeopardy | double jeopardy ]

défense du double péril [ défense de double condamnation ]

negotiated procedure without prior call for competition | negotiated procedure without prior publication | negotiated procedure without prior publication of a call for competition | negotiated procedure without prior publication of a contract notice

procédure négociée sans mise en concurrence préalable | procédure négociée sans publication préalable | procédure négociée sans publication préalable d'un avis de marché

double jeopardy concept [ concept of double jeopardy ]

concept de double péril

double jeopardy clause [ clause of double jeopardy ]

clause de double péril [ disposition de double péril ]

negotiated procedure after prior publication of a contract notice | negotiated procedure with prior call for competition | negotiated procedure with prior publication | negotiated procedure with publication of a contract notice

procédure négociée avec mise en concurrence préalable | procédure négociée avec publication préalable | procédure négociée avec publication préalable d'un avis de marché

Priore effect | Priore radiation | Prioré radiation

effet Priore | rayonnement Priore

carry out necessary procedures prior to take off | undertake required actions before departure | conduct pre-flight activities | execute necessary procedures prior to take off

exécuter les procédures nécessaires avant décollage

validation of prior learning | validation of non-formal and informal learning | accreditation of learning outcomes | assessment of learning outcomes | certification of learning outcomes | recognition of learning outcomes | transferability of learning outcomes | validation of of learning outcomes | recognition of prior learning [ VPL | RPL ]

validation des acquis d'expérience | validation des acquis | validation de l'apprentissage non formel et informel [ VAE ]

perform actions to secure goods according to work orders | perform actions to secure goods in preparation for shipment or storage | secure goods according to work orders | secure goods prior to shipment or storage according to work orders

fixer les marchandises selon les ordres de travail

applying prespotting | applying stain remover before dry cleaning | apply prespotting | using topical products to remove stain prior to dry cleaning

appliquer un produit prédétachant
If Bill C-300 were to be enacted, we have been advised this will no longer be possible because the bill does not protect a company from the allegations of abuse that occurred before it acquired the mine in question.The Canadian corporation could be in jeopardy of liability for prior actions by previous owners.

Si le projet de loi C-300 devait entrer en vigueur, on nous a indiqué que de telles acquisitions ne seraient plus possibles. En effet, les dispositions du projet de loi n'offrent aucune protection aux sociétés dans le cas d’allégations d’abus antérieurs à l’acquisition d’une exploitation minière.

It strikes me that when we have a motion that colours the rights of any member of the House prior to its going to committee, we would be putting in jeopardy the deliberations of the committee.

Je m'étonne que, au moment où nous sommes saisis d'une motion qui porte atteinte aux droits d'un député avant même que la question ne soit renvoyée au comité, nous mettions en doute les délibérations de ce comité.

This ambitious goal would be seriously put in jeopardy,dangerous market fragmentations would not be avoided, if prior to legislative decisions, Member States were not willing to coordinate and concretely tune their action.More particularly,a very broad consensus is needed on the orientations,the scope and the various deadlines of measures to be taken by the Community itself.

Cet objectif ambitieux serait sérieusement menacé, des fragmentations dangereuses du marché seraient inévitables si les pays de la Communauté ne décidaient, au préalable, de coordonner étroitement et de faire converger concrètement leurs décisions législatives. En particulier, un consensus très large est indispensable sur les orientations, l'étendue et le calendrier des mesures que la Communauté elle-même doit décider.

I guess the change-of-name legislation is primarily provincial, but if someone changes her or his name and that person, prior to changing his or her name, had been involved in a criminal prosecution and was convicted, do you have a position on whether that information should be under the person's new name, that the criminal conviction should be connected to the person and that people should be advised in the community that there is somebody with a conviction to be aware of, who may put your children in jeopardy?

Les lois régissant le changement de nom sont en grande partie provinciales, je pense, mais si quelqu'un change de nom, et qu'avant ce changement il avait un casier judiciaire, cette information ne devrait-elle pas le suivre sous son nouveau nom et les gens de son quartier ne devraient-ils pas être mis au courant de la présence d'une personne condamnée au criminel qui pourrait mettre leurs enfants en péril? Avez-vous une position là-dessus?
