babysitting service for the Conserv
ative backbenchers, something to keep them busy while those in the cabinet ran the affairs of the country, something to keep them away from
the decision-making process, something to keep them away from the actual development of legislation, the meaningful review of bills in the committee and meaningful clause-by-clause study of bills and an interest builder in the actual departments of government that were held responsible to review and investigate and monitor (1515) In our particular committee, the
...[+++]Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food, we received wrong information from the parliamentary secretary, which seems to indicate to me that the department, the minister, the parliamentary secretary, or whoever was responsible did not feel the work of the committee was that important.
véritablement aux ministères dont ils étaient chargés d'évaluer le fonctionnement et le rendement (1515) Le comité permanent de l'agriculture et de l'agroalimentaire, dont je fais partie, s'est vu remettre des renseignements erronés de la part du secrétaire parlementaire, des renseignements qui n'étaient pas basés sur les faits. Cela me porte à croire que le ministère, le ministre, le secrétaire parlementaire, ou quiconque était responsable, n'a pas jugé important le travail du comité et, par conséquent, ne s'est pas trop forcé.